Boxer Crab's Hidden Talent: A Symphony Of Surprise!

Boxer Crab's Hidden Talent: A Symphony Of Surprise!

Gavin's Hidden Talent

Lybia tessellata is a species of small crab in the family xanthidae. Like other members of the genus lybia, it is commonly known. Mosaic boxer crabs are perhaps best known for holding sea anemones with their pincers, creating the impression that they’re wearing gloves or holding pom poms. The crabs are known for their signature move of always carrying a small living sea anemone around in each of its claws, which helps them catch food and protect themselves from. This guide contains interesting facts and information about boxer crab (lybia tessellata), including where they live, what they eat, and how they reproduce.

They stay hidden under rocks and coral debris. So if divers want to see boxer crabs, they have to carefully turn. Boxer crab and anemone have adapted for this symbiotic relationship. The crab has much smaller claws which would not be of much use to defend itself anymore but are more suitable for.

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