The Shocking Secret Hidden In Toco Monitor Reading 20

The Shocking Secret Hidden In Toco Monitor Reading 20

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The number does not mean anything if you have an external monitor (on your stomach). It can only tell you how far apart your contractions are and how long they last. The number is only. Dec 19, 2011 · if i’m not mistaken the toco is tightening of the uterus (contractions), i think the number is much higher if you are having contractions. (like in the 100s or higher)

Sat on the monitor at the minute and the base rate the toaco reading is 20, the highest it's been is 89. Learn how contractions are measured, the different types of contraction monitors available, and how to read and interpret toco monitor readings. Dec 6, 2024 · toco is a common finding on a fetal monitor that indicates a slight delay in the fetal heart rate. Understanding the causes and interpreting the readings can help you better.

Toco Fetal Monitor Transducer TPU Material HP M2734a Avalon FM20 / FM30

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