The Unexpected Twist: Freeze Is To Thaw As Lose Is To…

The Unexpected Twist: Freeze Is To Thaw As Lose Is To…

Freeze Thaw Cycles | State College PA

Freeze is to thaw as lose is to compete forfeit win. The analogy freeze is to thaw as lose is to can be completed with the word win. The analogy is based on opposite actions. Freeze is the opposite of thaw, and lose is the opposite of win Freeze is to thaw as lose is to forfeit participate win.

May 12, 2024 · 1. Freeze is to thaw as lose is to participate compete forfeit win. Jul 24, 2019 · freeze and thaw are opposites. This means we are looking for the opposite of lose, which is . still have questions? Based on the passage you just read, what conclusion. In the given question, the words 'freeze' and 'thaw' contrast each other, signifying a reversal of state. 'freeze' means to turn into ice and 'thaw' means to melt from a frozen state. The relationship between freeze and thaw is that they are antonyms, where freeze means to become solid due to low temperature, and thaw means to become liquid due to higher.

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