This Ancient Wisdom Holds The Key: Freeze Is To Thaw As Lose Is To…

This Ancient Wisdom Holds The Key: Freeze Is To Thaw As Lose Is To…

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Jul 29, 2017 · thawing is the opposite of freezing. The answer should be win. still looking for help? Get the right answer, fast. Get a free answer to a quick problem. The analogy freeze is to thaw as lose is to can be completed with the word win.

Antisthenes says that in a certain faraway land the cold is so intense that words freeze as soon as they are uttered, and after some time then thaw and become audible, so that words spoken in. May 12, 2024 · in the analogy freeze is to thaw as lose is to, we need to find a word that represents the opposite action of lose, similar to how thaw is the opposite of freeze. 1. Jul 24, 2019 · freeze and thaw are opposites. This means we are looking for the opposite of lose, which is . still have questions? Based on the passage you just read, what conclusion. 【solved】click here to get an answer to your question : Freeze is to thaw as lose is to forfeit win compete The analogy is based on antonyms. 'freeze' is the opposite of 'thaw'. To complete the analogy, we need to find the opposite of 'lose'. 'win' is the antonym of 'lose'. To solve the analogy freeze is to thaw as lose is to, we first need to understand the relationship between freeze and thaw. freeze means to become solid due to cold temperatures, while.


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'win' is the antonym of 'lose'. To solve the analogy freeze is to thaw as lose is to, we first need to understand the relationship between freeze and thaw. freeze means to become solid due to cold temperatures, while.

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